The weave of a fabric is strong when every thread is.

Therefore, we believe in everyone's commitment to building a better future. Transparency, integrity, fairness, responsibility to the community, minimal environmental impact, and the centrality of the person: for us, these are not just words. They are the values that guide our choices, and which we believe are necessary to look to the future.

In-house weaving factory Manifattura Tessile Pierozzi
Commitment to sustainability of the company Manifattura Tessile Pierozzi

Sustainability is the key word. Toward the planet, toward society, toward the person.

The footprint we leave
Our extended family
Respect for the work
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The commitment

Through our actions, we want to minimize the impact of our business on the planet. We do this through the use of responsible and environmentally friendly packaging, the use of certified fabrics made from recycled and organic materials, and through green energy production, with state-of-the-art photovoltaic panels powering our business.

A loom is not enough to produce good fabrics

Here at Manifattura Tessile Pierozzi, we are a family. We believe in respect, the richness of diversity and inclusion, and we see these as the cornerstones of our long-term success. Valuing and understanding the needs of the individual, in fact, allows us to work together toward common goals and in a stimulating environment.

Creating a safe environment is a daily goal

Respect for people is also realized by considering their safety. Making sure that our employees can work in a risk-free environment is part of our corporate philosophy. Actions we implement in this regard include timely training and updating of personnel, and continuous maintenance of the equipment used in our plants.

A new venue, the same commitment

The transition to our new headquarters embodies our concern for the environment: we have installed photovoltaic solar panels to produce power, energy columns to power electric machines, and a self-sufficient irrigation system with rainwater recovery.
Invalue of the company Manifattura Tessile Pierozzi
We do not like to do things by halves: that is why, even in the decisions that shape our production, we strive to create a sustainable supply chain.

We collaborate with suppliers who share our environmental commitments, use certified raw materials and fabrics composed of recycled and natural yarns, and seek solutions to lighten our environmental impact.


It is not enough to say: it is necessary to ensure

To ensure the sustainable origin of our fabrics, we have decided to obtain certifications that attest to their quality and eco-friendliness. We think this is a necessary path to help create the concept of sustainable fashion.
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Exchange is wealth

Write to us if you are curious about our work, have information to request, or would like to propose an exciting new project.

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